Here are some safety advice for parents driving with babies in the car :-
Choose The Appropriate Seat Child Car Seat
Beginning on January 1, 2020, the government will strictly enforce the usage of child car seats or the Child Restraint System (CRS) in private vehicles. Decide on a car seat with high safety ratings as a result. Please be aware that not all car seats will fit in all vehicles. Therefore, before purchasing a seat, please carry out a test installation. On-the-road dangers can be decreased by using a seat that has the suitable size and fit.
Position The Child’s Car Seat In The Back
Please put the child car seat in the back. Your child’s car seat should be installed in the rear seat, away from the deployed airbags, for safety. A rear-facing car seat’s back, where the child’s head is located, could be struck by the airbag if it is installed in the front seat and causes serious or fatal injuries. A kid in a forward-facing car seat could possibly be hurt by an airbag.
Buckle Up Your Baby
Please make sure your child is buckled up, whether they are in an infant or child seat. If something were to happen to you while you were driving, your kid would be safe and protected.
Put Sunshade On
To block out light while your infant is napping, install a sunshade in the side window that is nearest to them. Your baby can become distressed and start fussing in the bright sunlight.
Get A Backseat Mirror
A backseat mirror enables parents to see children in rear-facing car seats, which is not possible with rearview mirrors. Hearing your child cry while driving might occasionally be unsettling. Install a mirror in the back seat so you may check on your youngster without turning around by simply looking in the rearview mirror.
Activate The Child Lock
To stop kids from entering back doors from inside, child locks are used. This lock is typically seen at the back doors. Once the lock is engaged, they can only be unlocked by someone pulling the door handle from the outside.
Drive Carefully And Follow The Traffic Rules
Make sure you’re driving at the proper speed and following all traffic laws. Take into account not only our own safety, but also the safety of your baby in the back. Remember, your precious one is in the back, and as parents, we must consider not only our own safety but also the safety of our children. Aside from that, avoid all unnecessary distractions. Turn off your phone before getting in the car, avoid eating or drinking while driving, and simply enjoy the ride.
That’s it! We Hope You Parents Take Good Care Of Your Child In Car